
Our contribution to ibindo

With our innovative guest sheet solution, we make an active contribution to sustainability by reducing the consumption of water, wood and CO2. At the same time, we also optimize your work processes and ensure relaxed guests.

Savings counter

CO2 savings:

0 kg

Water saving:

0 liter

Wood savings:

0 kg


On our website you will see three counters that show you how much we have saved so far through the use of our digital guest list and the high efficiency of our servers. The savings are continuously counted up and are based on the following factors:

What does this mean?: CO2 (carbon dioxide) is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. By using our digital guest list instead of paper, we reduce CO2 emissions.
How is this calculated?: We calculate the savings by comparing the CO2 emissions for producing a paper sheet with the CO2 emissions of a digital guest sheet. Each digital guest sheet saves about 7.5 grams of CO2.

What does this mean?: Water is used for paper production. By using digital guest sheets we save a lot of water.
How is this calculated?: Paper production requires about 10 liters of water per sheet. Each digital guest sheet saves us this amount of water.

What does this mean?: Wood is needed to make paper. By using digital guest sheets, we protect our forests.
How is this calculated?: For each digital guest sheet we save 0.005 kilograms of wood because we do not have to produce paper.

Why are our servers efficient?: Our servers are powered 100% by wind and hydroelectric power, meaning we don't cause any additional CO2 emissions for energy production.
Efficient cooling: We use natural outside air to cool our servers, which drastically reduces the energy consumption for cooling systems.
PUE value: Our data center has a PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) value of 1.10. This means that for every unit of energy used for the servers, only 10% of it is needed for cooling and other infrastructure. A low PUE value indicates high energy efficiency.